Did you know that Andor the Talladega police dog has been taken off duty along with one K-9 officer? The unnamed officer has been put on paid administrative leave following an investigation into 5 incidents in which Andor allegedly attacked suspects.

Ashley White’s attack is one of the incidents being investigated.

I spoke with Ashley about the incident, and she told me that she had spoken to another media outlet. They published her story, but they refused to publish the pictures because they were too graphic. She went on to express how hurt she was by her community’s reaction to her attack. She said, “I know I should not have run, but I didn’t deserve all of this.” Ashley feels that sharing her pictures along with the story of her attack will paint a clearer picture of what happened. “I want people to see what happened to me,” said Ashley.

Ashley was riding in a car with two guys down Sloan Avenue. A police officer came up behind them and flashed the lights. The driver tried to elude the police. Ashley said once another police officer began to pursue the car, she grabbed her purse and hopped out of the car and started to run.

“They told me to stop, but I kept going,” Ashley admitted.

Ashley had been in trouble with law enforcement before. Captain Leon Thomas told reporters that Ashley had been arrested in Talladega in May 2014 due to a shoplifting warrant. While running, Ashley tripped and fell. She said she immediately yelled out that she was a female and that she surrendered. While on the ground waiting on the officer, Ashley says she heard the k9 officer tell the dog to, “Get that son of a bitch”.

That is when Ashley says Andor grabbed hold of her buttocks and started biting and shaking. The truth is Andor tore her behind up. She is damaged so badly that she needs reconstructive surgery. Ashley said after being helped to her feet, Andor lunged towards her again but was leashed before he could get to her. There were no charges filed against Ashley that night. She was not placed under arrest; in fact, she was taken to a local hospital and then allowed to go home.

“Talladega police bought their first dog about two months ago, and since then five black people have been mauled,” Hugh Morris, president of the local NAACP told a reporter.

This quote got me thinking about a case in Georgia. Do you know about Officer Lynn Eshleman’s and her police dog also named Andor? Officer Eshleman’s dog attacked a little boy from her neighborhood who was playing outside. The Georgia Supreme Court gave her complete immunity for her dog Andor’s behavior. I don’t know if this is the same Andor. However, I do know that the Talledega Police Dog Andor was purchased at Von Liche Kennels. I called both the kennel and the DeKalb County Police Personnel Department to find out if this was the same dog. Both women I spoke with said they could not give me any information on Andor or any other dog.

Eerie huh?

While researching Ashley’s story, I spoke to the mother of Travis Davis. He also had a run-in with Andor and had to get 36 stitches. Now his mother says he’ll never be able to use his arm again. Despite the news reports, she stands behind him and is currently looking for legal representation. Witnesses who stood up for Christopher Lashaun Twyman said the dog attacked him, and he was  beaten in the head and back. The good thing is that the police are investigating. I think it sucks that dogs are being used as weapons against non-violent people who are running away. I don’t think it is right to run from the police; however, mutilation seems like a harsh penalty.

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