The universe wanted me to try my Blossom Cup (A Menstrual Cup). I wanted to try it too, but I had some apprehensions. Even though I had read a lot of cool things about the cup, I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of sticking it up to my yoni. What if it got stuck up there? I worried things would get bloody. What if it spilled, or even worse, what if people could smell the blood? Although it seemed like a good idea to try it, these things freaked me out. That is probably why the universe, in total control, had my period start on Friday evening; after work and all my running around was done.
Even then, the universe must have known it wouldn’t be enough, and I would need an even bigger push. As I laid in flux across my bed scrolling through Facebook contemplating my life choices, one of my favorite Nappy Natural Girls posted a status about having used the cup for eight years. She didn’t even know I was trying the Blossom Cup for the first time; I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone. Her post was just telling the world she loved her cup, and another of our mutual friends jumped on the thread talking about her cup too. Eight years and she’s still happy. We all had better catch up.
I had been meaning to try the cup for some time. My husband ended up purchasing my Blossom Cup for me as a gift off Amazon during my last period. I told him I wanted one, and I was tired of using sanitary pads. They weren’t all that sanitary, and I usually started complaining after wearing them for a day or two. From what I had read, the cup was healthier for my body, the environment, and my wallet. It sounded all right, but when I saw it really was a style funnel cup I was scared as hell. The Blossom Cup is made up of medical grade silicone that collects the monthly blood flow as opposed to absorbing it.
The first time I pulled the cup out I did it on my bed, because I really was nervous and didn’t know what to expect. I spilled blood, and it was kind of gross. However, after that for the rest of my period I did it in the bathroom and it was just fine. By the time the weekend was over I was almost a pro at using the cup. I reached out to a long time cup user to find out how she handled long days at work. She recommended just packing my bag with a few essentials like a bottle of water and wet wipes. She encouraged me to practice removing my cup standing up.
After wearing my cup for the duration of my period, I love it. I don’t think I would ever go back to wearing a pad again. I do feel like I need to buy a cup for home and one for my bag, just like you have back up pads in your purse. The Blossom Cup is very comfortable, and doesn’t hurt when it expands. It is so comfortable, I thought maybe it fell out overnight because I didn’t feel inside of me. Aside from saving money, according to what I have read you can have sex while wearing the cup. We haven’t been bold enough to try it.
You have to be sure to sterilize your cup regularly. Just like you would with pads or tampons, you have to be aware of your blood flow. If you are flowing heavily then you have to empty your cup more than you if you have a lighter flow. Overall, it was a lot less bloody, and I felt freer in my Blossom Cup than I do with a pad or tampon. I’ve officially converted.
If you have been thinking of using the cup, please purchase it through my Amazon Affiliate Link. If you have already used the cup before, tell me about your experience below.