Did you know every now and again I get the chance to contribute an op-ed over on the community news hour on Asheville FM? I think it was great that they made the decision to run The Asheville View’s Johnnie Rush Interview. Johnnie Rush was assaulted by Asheville police officers in August 2017 while walking home from work. Former officer Christopher Hickman plead guilty and was convicted of “felony assault by strangulation, misdemeanor assault by strangulation, and misdemeanor communicating threats.”
I didn’t just approach Asheville FM because I have the podcast there. Community radio stations are usually operated and influenced by the communities they serve. Asheville Fm is a nonprofit and provides a platform for individuals and groups, within our community to tell their stories and experiences. To watch the full episode check it on The Asheville View.
Learn how we got the interview, see the full interview and learn little known facts about Johnnie’s settlement by reading my full length blog here.